You don’t have to have a problem with your sight to go and make an eye examination. Actually, it is wise if you do it because often people are not aware that they have a problem until it’s too late. Around 75% of people in the world and the USA experience some kind of eye problem and some of them are completely unaware of this.
When it comes to children the problem is even more serious. Kids don’t understand the importance of seeing and they often don’t understand they don’t see clear. If you ask them about do they see clearly, they’ll probably say yes because in their short life they never experienced a different way of looking at things. See a little more about child vision here.
That’s why it’s very important to take them to their first eye exam early in life just to be sure that there is no problem. If there is, of course, it’s important to do an early treatment and solve the problem while they are still young and their body is capable of doing fast changes.
If you’re a first-time optometrist visitor, read on to see what you can expect from the examination time.
The optometrist will surely ask some questions first. Things like family history, chronic diseases and similar. They do this because all information can be valuable for creating a perfect picture of your body and what can affect your vision.
For example, people who suffer from diabetes are more likely to have vision problems. If the doctor is not aware of this fact, they might set a wrong diagnose and treat you from something that doesn’t exist.
Also, genetics are very important. If you have a family history of ancestors who struggled with bad eyes, it will be completely normal for you to also have a problem seeing. On the other hand, if you never had a person in your family struggling with this, then the doctor will know that something else is the reason for your problem.
The actual testing is very simple. You’ll first need to read a few letters and numbers on the opposite wall. You start by seeing and reading the big numbers and as you go down they become smaller and smaller. Depending on how far you can see, the doctor will have a clear vision of your sight and how healthy it is.
Then a special machine that enlarges your pupils is used for the optometrist to see inside your eye and find certain irregularities. If they notice something strange or something that’s not normal, they might take additional action about it. If they find nothing, they’ll probably tell you that you’re fine and you should keep that way.
When the optometrist sees that something needs to be done, they’ll most probably write you a referral to see another person or write you a prescription for some kind of medical aid. The medical aid, in this case, are glasses or contact lenses.
Some people, knowing this, decide to take glasses on their own. They don’t realize that eye exams are a serious matter and not every lens is good for their eyes. If you’re thinking about this too, please stop. Find the nearest optometrist and do the test as it should be done. If you don’t know where to look, you can always use your smartphone’s search engine and look for an eye exam near me.
Referral for an ophthalmologist
If there’s something more serious, like the common eye disease cataract or glaucoma, the doctor will give you a referral to see an ophthalmologist. This person is skilled to do everything the first one is but is also skilled to give you additional advice and perform operations.
The operations are not complex. Back in the day, the ophthalmologist performed with their bare hands, but today, it’s all done with laser technology so you have nothing to worry about.
If you don’t want to get to an ophthalmologist and perform eye surgery at a young age, you need to do regular check-ups. Regular starts with the first time visit to the optometrist. As you can see from everything written above, this kind of exam is nothing scary, and everyone should do it.