Why Davidoff Cigars Pairing Remain the Top in the Cigar Industry
About Davidoff Cigars
Zino Davidoff, a wine and cigar lover, is the founder of this company. His love for a prestigious lifestyle also led to him dining at the most exquisite cuisine and wore different threads. Despite his precious lifestyle Zino started his company from scratch. He worked on a tobacco farm in South America before relocating to Havana, where he took the initiative to learn all about tobacco. He specialized in how to grow, ferment, and roll tobacco to meet the needs and desires of the customers.
To promote the company, Zino Davidoff committed and insisted on the quality of the cigars. The company has gained popularity supplying cigars to many customers and prominent people. Cigars are unique in design, quality, and the rolling style and texture. They have the company logo thus easily to determine the original cigars.
Many customers and cigar smokers prefer Davidoff products due to their high quality, superior construction, delicious flavors, and perfect draws. Davidoff cigars meet all customer expectations. They try as much to ensure the cigars pair efficiently with numerous drinks.
Over the years, Zino Davidoff and his employees have focused on improving their products in various ways. The maker way includes cigar pairing. This process involves mixing different cigar flavors to have a unique and favorable high-quality cigar. Matching should be done by experts to ensure they complement well, and none dominates the other.
Best Cigar Pairings customers prefer:
- Davidoff Fiftieth Anniversary Cigar
This pairing originated from the Dominica Republic. It has an Aniversario No.3 size (6 by 50 Toro). The expert behind the 50th-anniversary cigar pairing is Ecuador, Connecticut, who used the makers mark pairing. It starts with toasty and leathery flavors. Going deep to the cigar leads to the rich wood and a peppery spice flavor not typical in other cigars.
- Davidoff Nicaragua Cigar
This cigar of full-bodied. The kickoff is the woody cedar-like flavors pairing with the citrus and spice. This cigar is unique and fits perfectly with the Lagavulin drink. The cinder flavor also promotes scotch. The pairing is secure; thus, many customers prefer it.
- Davidoff Signature Series Cigar
This pairing has a perfect draw, construction, and excellent flavors. It’s made with light peppery, bread-like, and citrus flavors. It also entails a honey, cedar, and mushroom undertone. Root beer goes perfectly with the signature cigar giving your lifetime amazement.
- Davidoff Winston Churchill Cigar
This pairing is known by many people since its delectable smoke and has several flavors. While smoking this cigar, you will taste the toast, almond-like, and fruit flavors at the base. The undertone includes vanilla, cream, and spice. It pairs perfectly with black coffee bringing out high levels of creams.
Davidoff products meet the needs and expectations of a variety of customers, serving a wide range of customers. The experts have taken the initiative, ensuring that the paired flavors work perfectly with scotch, rum, coffee, wine, beer, and other liquor.
Final Thoughts
Davidoff products are one in a million providing the smoker with unique amusements. They are prepared by experts from the besting while growing tobacco. They are known for their standards and perfect combination with various drinks.
Why smoking the kickoff flavors is delicious, leaving the smoker amazed? Since most drinks match well with the Davidoff products, the smoker feels comfortable to drink various beverages and has no side effects. They are relatively cheap and worth every penny since the amazement is unique and their quality is outstanding. The cigars burn perfectly throughout the duration. The cigars are divided into Icon, core, and discoveries to accommodate various cigar smokers.